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After many months of beta testing, Celeratec has launched the next level of email protection for all Hosted Exchange clients and will offer this advanced security as an add-on option for our Office365 clients.

This new security measure will add an additional layer of security to one of the most secure email systems available today to combat the ever-increasing threat from malicious actors, by protecting users from targeted email attacks that evade traditional detection using artificial intelligence and advanced data science techniques.

AI Guardian: Artificial Intelligence Based Inbound Email Security

Protecting users from targeted email attacks that evade traditional detection by using artificial intelligence and advanced data science techniques.

Executive Summary

Email continues to be the lifeblood of business communications, but it’s also become a primary threat vector for cyberattacks that threaten a business. As protection against spam, viruses, and known malware become commoditized, cybercriminals have shifted their tactics to craft targeted attacks that exploit human trust and are less obvious threats. Email attacks today are laser-focused on specific businesses and users and evade traditional detection by adopting advanced techniques and targeting human nature.

Adversaries research their targets, mask payloads by standing up zero-day domains with redirections and often impersonate trusted parties to steal money and data. Attackers are also foregoing payloads altogether, focusing instead on socially engineered messages that are expressly crafted to induce certain actions from victims

e.g. fraudulently offering iTunes gift cards. 

Malicious emails are now being delivered from reliable domains such as Gmail and Yahoo to pass authentication checks. Email protection engines based solely on signatures or metadata are no longer enough to protect businesses from these advanced attacks.

AI Guardian from Celeratec takes a data science approach to email protection to stop targeted attacks such as impersonation, payroll fraud, invoice fraud, and zero-day credential phishing. Powered by natural language understanding (NLU), the AI Guardian detection engine analyzes thousands of signals across identity, behavior, language, and global threat data to catch attacks missed by traditional solutions.

This breadth and depth of detection enable AI Guardian to classify threats into predefined categories with high accuracy. These threats are automatically remediated using configurable actions (delete, quarantine) for every threat category. AI Guardian leverages custom machine learning (ML) models for an organization that continually refreshes historical baselines and reduces false positives with time.

For more details about this feature, visit this knowledgebase article.

If you have any questions about this new feature, reach out to us at [email protected] or 888-423-5372.

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